Local Vision Investing, LLC
Write your responses in a separate text document and email it to LocalVisionInvesting@localspokane.com or mail it to: Local Vision Investing, PO Box 8483, Spokane, WA 99203. Once we determine if your project fits our criteria, we will ask you for a financial statement and credit report.
Name of business: __________________
Business Address ____________________________
Owner/co owner names:___________________________________________
Day Phone: _____________________Cell Phone _______________________
Best time to reach you:______________ Email: ___________________________
A. About your business:
- Tell us about your business. Who are your customers? Are you profitable? What is exciting to you about your business right now? What keeps you awake at night?
- Give us your background. Have you been in business before? How long have you had this business? Do you have employees? How many?
- Where do you sell your produce or product and who is your competition? Do you source locally? Are you certified organic?
B. About the loan:
- How much do you want to borrow and for what period of time?
- Describe how you will use the loan funds and how this investment will help your business.
- Will this loan cover the full cost of the project, and if not, what other funds will help you get the job done?
- How will you make the money to repay this loan?
- Who is the borrower: are you a sole proprietorship? A partnership (if so, who are the partners)? A corporation (if so, please give the corporation’s name and the name of the principals.)
C. General:
- Did we forget to ask you something?
- How did you find out about us?
Revised: 9/25/13